Fire Prevention Association of Massachusetts Conference
May 4 & 5, 2020
Vendor Day
Monday May 4th
Plan to visit with our Vendors during the day.
Their support helps to make our conference a success.
Vendors will be available from 8am to 5pm
May 4, 2020
730am Registration Continental breakfast
9am Welcome – Opening Ceremony
930am Session A1 – NFPA Hot works certification class – Chris Towski
This two hour session will prepare students to take the NFPA hot works certification test
Please note there will be a separate sign in for this session and there is a separate $25.00
fee payable to FPAM due the day of the conference. This must be paid by check or cash.
The test will be held at 430pm after the final educational session for May 4th
930am Session A2 – Social Media for the Fire Department – Rob Reardon Duxbury Fire
If your organization is doing social media this class will provide you the tools you need to be more effective. If your organization isn’t doing social media yet this class will educate you on the successes so many organizations are seeing. We will review not only the good but the pitfalls departments have experienced with social media. As much as social media is a great tool it can also be a career ender and this class will discuss your employees personal social media use.
1030am Break
11am Session A1 – Hot Works continued
11am Session A2 – Social Media continued
12pm Lunch
1pm General Session Keynote,
Wayne Miller ATF retired– Burn Boston Burn – The Largest Arson case in the History of the Country.
Retired Agent Wayne Miller will speak on this true crime story involing a conspiracy of 9 men including 3 Boston Cops and a Boston Firefighter that burned Boston and surrounding communities in the early 80’s due to tax cutting measures that resulted in the layoffs of hundreds of police and firefighters.
230pm Break
3pm Session B1 – Chapter 148A Non Criminal Ticketing – Matt Murray DFS
This session will cover the requirements for Non-Criminal ticketing
3pm Session B2 – NFPA 3 & 4 overview – Peter Harrod Code Red Consultants
In this session, Code Red Consultants will discuss aspects of NFPA 3: Standard for Commissioning of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems and NFPA 4: Standard for Integrated Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems which provide a framework for testing and inspection of fire and life safety systems. In particular this presentation will focus on integrated testing of these systems which is intended to validate that proper coordination across multiple trades has occurred so that the systems will function as required during a fire emergency. Code requirements for NFPA 4 integrated testing which are located in the 2018 edition of NFPA 1 and the proposed next edition of the State Building Code will be discussed as they relate to new and existing buildings in the Commonwealth.
430pm NFPA Hot Works exam
530pm Social Hour – Cash Bar
630pm Dinner (Included in full program registration)
May 5, 2020
8am Registration Continental Breakfast
9am Business meeting –
930am C1 – BDA Acceptance testing and final inspection for the fire prevention officer
This two hour session will cover the requirements for acceptance testing for BDA installations and also cover the final inspection requirements from a fire prevention code aspect.
930am C2 – Smoke alarms – Jake Nunnemacher DFS
This session will review current technology and the code requirements as well as discuss emerging technology and the code implications.
1030am Break
1045am D1 – BDA continued
1045am D2 – Fire sprinklers and firefighter safety – Mike Young NFSA
This session will review the importance of sprinklers not only in commercial structures but in residential as well. The session will also highlight the requirements and also the benefits and safety to firefighter health.or fire protection.
12pm Lunch
1pm General Session –Bed and Breakfast, Air BnB, conversions – Jake Nunnemacher, Kristen Nich
This general session will cover the requirements for building conversions to and new construction of B 7 B’s, Air BnB’s, etc.
230pm Session E1 – Case studies codes for automotive shops – Jake Nunnemacher DFS
This session will review the code and safety requirements for repair garages.
230pm Session E2 – NFPA 72 – Jerry Delaney DEI Systems
This session will review NFPA 72 as it relates to the fire and building codes.
4pm Conference ends