Fire Prevention Association of Massachusetts Conference
May 13 & 14, 2024
Wellsworth Hotel
Southbridge MA
Registration Fees
Full Conference Monday/Tuesday $230.00 includes Continental breakfast each day, luncheon each day, all breaks and Dinner on Monday evening
Single Day Attendance $ 96.00 includes Continental breakfast, luncheon and all breaks
Extra Dinner guest $ 50.00
Regular Registration Deadline is April 12th
$50.00 late fee will be assessed for registrations received after this date
Registration cutoff is April 26th no registrations will be accepted after this date
Please note that all registrations must be submitted online regardless of the method of payment. If you require a hard copy for internal use or to process payment a hard copy is available to be printed. Payments may be mailed with a copy of the registration form.
If you require an invoice you must email Rick Tustin directly.
May 13, 2024
730am Registration Continental breakfast
9am Welcome – Opening Ceremony
930am A1 – BFPR Appeal Process – Larry Fisher Chair BFPR
This session will provide an overview of the Appeal process for the BFPR and how Fire Prevention personnel can be better prepared when facing an appeal.
A2 – Lithium-ion Battery systems – Bob Duval NFPA
This session will review the functioning and associated hazards presented by Lithium-ion batteries in use in society today. These include household products, micro mobility devices, electric vehicles and battery energy storage systems.
1030am Break
11am B1 – Garage systems NFPA 88 – Lt Chris Towski Cambridge Fire
This session will examine the requirements of NFPA 88 as it applies to garages
B2 – Lithium-Ion batteries continued
12pm Lunch
C1 – Safeguarding Construction NFPA 241- Lt Chris Towski Cambridge Fire, Bob Duval NFPA
This session will review the requirements for safeguarding construction with a look at how the new building code impacts the requirements
C2 – Top Ten code issues facing fire prevention – Jen Hoyt Code Red Consultants
This session will review the top ten issues that Code Red is seeing effecting Fire codes and what Fire Prevention personnel need to be aware of.
230pm Break and visit exhibitors
3pm D1 – Storage Buildings _ Brad Cronin
D2 – PV and ESS systems – Jake Nunnemacher Auburn Fire, Kristen McDonough DFS
This session will review the code requirements for the installation of PV and ESS systems and what the Fire Prevention Officer needs to be aware of when approving plans and conducting inspections
530pm Social Hour – Cash Bar
630pm Dinner (Included in full program registration)
May 14, 2024
8am Registration Continental Breakfast
9am Business meeting –
930am E1 – BDA systems and what to know - RSI
This session will review the new requirements in the proposed 10th ed of the building code and the areas that fire prevention inspectors need to be aware of.
E2 – Hoarding Case Study – Chief Tim Kelly Devens Fire
This session will use a hoarding case study to show how fire prevention can aid in resolving these incidents and lead to a code compliant outcome
1030am Break
1100am F1 – BDA systems continued - RSI
F2 – NFPA 3 & 4 what you need to know – Kurt Ruchala Jensen Hughes
This session will review the requirements of NFPA 3 & 4 in the proposed 10th ed of the Building Code
12pm Lunch
1pm G1 – Two way emergency communication and NFPA 72 – Joseph Cervantes Space Age Technologies
Emergency Communications Systems (ECS). NFPA 72 2019 added definitions and language that supported these systems and the survivability of their installation. The 2022 edition now requires that product used for this intended purpose be UL 2525 tested and listed.
As more building and fire officials are becoming aware of the rigid requirements for these systems, an understanding the installation of these systems is an important conversation to have to ensure they work for the duration of the emergency. This discussion will focus on the minimum standards for two- way communication system design, installation, and inspection/testing.
G2 – Residential Smoke alarm requirements NEW 10th ed – Gene Novak
This session will examine the code requirements for Appendix AJ _ Existing Buildings and Structures 780 CMR 51.00 Massachusetts Residential Code One- and Two-Family Dwellings: *Classification of Work * Smoke, Carbon and Heat Detection *Energy Storage Systems *Compliance Alternatives *And more...
2pm Break
230pm H1 – Two Way emergency communications continued – Joseph Cervantes
H2 – Residential Smoke alarm requirements continued – Gene Novak
330pm Conference ends
Vendor Day
Monday May 13
Plan to visit with our Vendors during the day.
Their support helps to make our conference a success.
Vendors will be available from 8am to 5pm
Hotel Accommodations – Wellsworth Hotel 129.00 plus tax
Lodging reservations made directly with Hotel – 508-765-8000 Please state Fire Prevention Association of MA when making reservation.
Reservation must be made by April 11, 2024
Do not include the hotel and conference registration fees together.
Please read carefully: All registrations received after April 12, 2024 will be assessed a $50.00 late fee. Deadline to register will be April 26, 202f4
Anyone canceling their registration up to ten days before the beginning of the conference will receive a full refund of their fees minus a $35.00 cancellation-processing fee. All cancellations must be in writing. Telephone cancellations will not be accepted unless a letter of cancellation immediately follows them. Email cancellations will be accepted. The FPAM will charge conferees a $25.00 return check fee to cover administrative costs.
Additional Conference information can be found at:
Conference questions may be directed to
Rick Tustin; email or 339-221-3629
Please make checks payable to F.P.A.M.
Return registration form with full payment to:
FPAM Conference Registration
PO Box 2144
Amherst, MA. 01004-2144
Credit card payments may be made via PAYPAL at